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The Teachings of Silver Birch

Free Will / Soul / Mind / Experiment / Spiritualism

The Origin of Language (Summary)

Origin Of Language / Reason / English Language / Theory / Languages Of Asia

Symbols of the Eternal Doctrine

Vajrayana / Mandala / Bodhisattva / Enlightenment In Buddhism / Religious Behaviour And Experience

The Identification of Common Rocks

Igneous Rock / Rock (Geology) / Basalt / Sedimentary Rock / Granite

AREVA the Testing of Transformer

Transformer / Electrical Impedance / Insulator (Electricity) / Voltage / Capacitor

The Cry of Pugad Lawin

Philippines / Unrest / Government

Rush - The Metaphysics of Logic

Logic / Reality / Philosophical Realism / Metaphysics / Reason

The Period of Suppressed Nationalism

Philippines / Politics / Government

5033135 Book of the Heavens

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Ancient Egypt / Middle Eastern Mythology / Mythology / Books

Wondrous Realms of the Aegean

Troy / Hector / Iliad / Mycenaean Greece / Mycenae

Achievements of the Annales School

Academia / Science / Science (General)

Power of the Mind 2010

Mind / Thought / Faith / Consciousness / Self

The Roots of Modern Magick

Aleister Crowley / Rosicrucianism / Esotericism / Religion And Belief / Philosophical Science

The Impact of Control Technology

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Control Theory / Aircraft / Science And Technology / Technology

The Power of Prophetic Decrees

Grace In Christianity / Adam And Eve / Jesus / Glossolalia / Prayer

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